Collection: Living Voice

Based in Nottingham, Living Voice came to the industry's attention when they launched the Air Partner in the early nineties, a massive near as dammit 'no compromise' three way horn speaker when such things were a real rarity on the market. This inspirational speaker borrowed techniques and technologies from the past but with a very modern level of attention to both detail and purism and was clearly the result of an obsessive pursuit into making the ultimate speaker of its time. Today this model is in many ways succeeded by the Vox horn models, which are stunning speakers both sonically and acoustically.

Much more reasonably sized is the Auditorium speaker range. Introduced as a speaker to offer an all round high performance at a more attainable price and being easier to accommodate in the average room, this speaker has been rightly raved about for many years throughout its various evolutions.

Bridging the gap between the extremes of the Auditorium and the Vox range is the R80, a new substantial floor standing speaker series,